Quantum prayer: the art of empowered receiving

“Ask for what you want, then be prepared to get it.” – Maya Angelou

Most of us are at least familiar with prayer, even if we may not practice it regularly. And perhaps the “traditional” version of prayer consists of asking for that which appears missing in your life, and often comes from a place of lack and disconnection from “God” or “Divine Source Consciousness”. With traditional prayer, you are holding a belief that there exists a place within time and space where this Consciousness does not exist. And yet this is impossible as Source is everywhere, at all times (omnipresent).

You cannot hold two opposing beliefs within your mind and heart as it will create a deep, inner conflict. You may be telling yourself that you know there is only Oneness and that everything is connected, and yet continue to make choices from a place of fear, rather than empowered trust.

Many people pray for material things such as a house, car or vacation while others pray for good health and happiness. And there are some people who pray only for themselves and some people who pray for not only themselves, but all of humanity. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to pray, and you will know what is right for you, by the way it makes you feel.

If you come from a place of lack (not trusting God, the Universe, etc.), then you will ultimately see the world through fearful eyes and these distorted filters alter our perceptions of the Truth.  You may feel as if you are kind and giving, yet you have built an emotional wall to keep people at a certain distance. And if you are always feeling like life is a struggle and just has to be hard, then no matter how “hard” you pray or how often, your prayers will always seem to go unheard and unanswered.

This isn’t about “punishment” other than that which we impose upon ourselves. The Universe doesn’t judge and is not concerned with “good” or “bad”. It speaks in resonance and will simply bring things to or pull things from depending on the emotional feelings and energy developed around the situation. What you believe about it will ultimately determine what the Universe delivers (or does not deliver) onto your doorstep.

This IS about opening yourself up to receiving Divine guidance, while coming from a place of wholeness. You reach out not to fill a gap or hole within yourself, but rather to take a literal dive into the unknown depths of your consciousness. It’s about opening yourself up to allowing greater opportunities to enter your life; which is determined by how much YOU show up! If you show the Universe you are serious about wanting to live the life of your dreams, by the things you DO, then the Universe will respond by aligning situations that are congruent with expanding your potential and abilities.

Quantum Prayer is simply the act of empowered receiving. While we are intending to connect with the Divine to receive guidance, we do so knowing we are already complete, already whole and already One with the All. We allow, we make welcome, we trust, we surrender to the flow. We do not simply “ask” and then lay in bed wide awake all night stressing out and worrying if it will come, happen, change, etc. That is the opposite of Quantum Prayer. 

When we use Quantum Prayer, we know we have a role to play in keeping the creative energy flowing in our lives. We must be willing to show up for ourselves as much as we expect our prayers to be answered. When we show ourselves that we can actually count on ourselves, we form a trust that becomes unbreakable. When you trust yourself, your self-confidence soars and you are more easily able to embody and fully live the truth of who you really are. And this is the key to being the catalyst for the Universe to open up some serious doors for you. As I previously mentioned and I cannot drive this home enough; when you show the Universe you are finally serious about living a kick-ass life, it will deliver to you that which you need to kick ass!


By Tamara Rant / Co-Editor/Writer

Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

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(Source: consciouslifenews.com; October 11, 2020; https://tinyurl.com/y954fob7)
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