Nation of Islam warns people against taking covid vaccine

WARNING: Do Not Take the Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warns the Black community against taking the Covid-19 Vaccine with the US Government’s treacherous history of experimentation, medications and vaccines.  This publication provides information, facts and history to why we should not take “their vaccine” along with guidance on how to protect yourself, family and community.

“Don’t let them vaccinate you, with their history of treachery through vaccines, through medication. Are you listening? I say to the African presidents, do not take their medications! I say to those of us in America, we need to call a meeting of our skilled virologists, epidemiologists, students of biology and chemistry, and we need to look at not only what they give us. We need to give ourselves something better.”

-The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Criterion: An Announcement to the World, July 4, 2020

U.S. Policy on Depopulation Expand

U.S. healthcare practices have historically abused & killed people of color Expand

The Wicked Misuse & Abuse of Vaccines Expand

What is the COVID-19 Vaccine? Expand

The COVID-19 vaccine is experimental and not safe. Do Not Take It! Expand

You have no legal rights if you suffer injury or death from a vaccine Expand

So, if I don’t take the vaccine, what am I to do? Expand

Statement About Covid-19 Vaccine

Articles & References


The Covid-19 Vaccine and the  U.S. policy of depopulation

“We will not accept your vaccine so you can slow down, because whenever you bring it out, it’s for your people.  You give it to them because we are not accepting death. You are the very representative of death itself: the pale horse.  Everywhere you have gone in the world, hell went right behind you.  We are sick of hell and we are sick of death.  So all of you that have made a covenant with death, your covenant is going to be annulled … your agreement with hell will be broken.”
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

  • Minister Farrakhan said it would be a declaration of war on all of us if the government tried to physically force us to take the vaccine.
  • Now that the vaccines are ready, an elevated level of fear of the pandemic has been created to make the people believe they must have the vaccine.
  • In his 2013 series The Time and What Must Be Done, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan provided extensive, documented proof that the policy of the United States Government is to rid the Earth of the indigenous people.
  • If you have difficulty believing that killing Original people is actually policy, not just random violence, then ask yourself how we can trust the makers and administrators of the Covid-19 vaccine when U.S. laws protect them from liability for injury or death caused by the vaccine?


and more at: Fox


(Source:; July 4, 2020;
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