Postpartum depression: how keeping a wireless baby monitor turned on 24/7 could be contributing to it

According to WebMd, 10-20% of moms and 10% of dads experience postpartum depression.  Equally significant is how common it is for parents to keep wireless baby monitors turned on and nearby 24/7 (for obvious reasons) when research has already proven that exposure to all sources of wireless WiFi radiation can disrupt the blood-brain barrier.  This disruption can lead to depression as well as many other undesirable conditions, illnesses, and symptoms in addition to increased cancer risk.

Over the years, experts have advised us to keep cell phones turned off and far away from our beds while we sleep because of harmful EMF and radiation exposure.  It only makes sense that the same advice would apply to wireless baby monitors.  Fortunately, safer wired baby monitors are available.  Of course, anything  emitting wireless radiation near babies – including baby monitors, cell phones, WiFi routers, utility “Smart” Meters, or wearable devices – isn’t good for them either.  In fact, the radiation can penetrate deeper because their skulls are thinner.

Most people are also not aware that there is still no scientifically determined “safe” level of cell phone and wireless radiation exposure for children and pregnant women.  Also disturbing, wireless baby monitors and other devices are being hacked which has led to a plethora of scary news stories about families being stalked and threatened through these devices.  Talk about depressing…

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


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For cell phones we also recommend and use the airtube earplugs, instead of wired earphones.

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We urge you to stay informed and consider a digital or print subscription to NEXUS Magazine.  (Published since 1987)

By BN Frank
(Source:; February 8, 2019;
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