Vaccine mandates violate women's choice!

... male protester tossed from Sacramento march

Joshua Coleman walked at the Sacramento Women's March last week holding a sign that read, "Vaccine Mandates Violate Women's Choice!"  He was thrown out of the march.  We can name all of our ladybits on posters. We can wear knitted hats in 50 shades of pink.  We can laugh and act tough and blame men for all the ills of the world as we march. (Frankly, most of world's ills HAVE been at the hands of men, but that's another topic and blog.)  We can open our arms to anyone and everyone who wants freedom, equality, a fair shake. And well we should. I abhor the MeToo world where men use power for sex.  I teach self-defense to women.  I myself am a happily divorced woman, raising and caring for 3 adult women with autism on my own. I tell the girls in my Karate classes they can stand toe to toe with the boys on the mats, and they do! I want choice for my daughters.

Just don't bring vaccines into the conversation. Vaccines, especially in California, are like ethereal unicorns, with cotton candy manes and peppermint stick horns. Special. In a world of their own. Exempt from scrutiny to the point where WE are not exempt from taking them into our bodies or our daughters' bodies.


For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


(Source:; January 25, 2019;
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