School nurse assaults Bronx New Yotk Boy with HPV vaccination

NOTE:  I've had a very good relationship with the school nurses over the years. Their job has become 1000x more challenging than they ever imagined. I've never been shamed or bullied when it comes to my girls' health. But I'm deep into the trenches of vaccine rights warfare. And a loud mouth.....  Other parents are not in this position. Like this Mom in the Bronx.

Welcome to 2019 in New York.  News 12 in The Bronx reports that a boy was given intrusive questions about his family life AND an HPV vaccination after going to the nurse's office for an ice pack. School nurses must NOT become "Vaccilantes (vaccine vigilantes.)  Where is the sanctity of parental rights? This boy was up to date on his school required vaccinesm per his Mom. And STILL the nurse took it upon herself to vaccinate him withthe first of  a THREE dose shot that has known and serious side effects. Heck, the vaccine was first "sold" as a shot to prevent cervical cancer in GIRLS only. "One Less," was the slogan. A SLOGAN FOR A VACCINE - like it was Pepsi Cola. "Pepsi Cola hits the spot but not has much as this great shot!" Lord help us.  New York - BACK OFF.

In Albany, the New York Capital TODAY, A2371a, the bill to pass the religious exemption from vaccine mandates to attend school will be on the agenda for the Assembly Health Committee this Thursday, June 13. New York's religious exemption is on the line. Advocates for civil rights are in Albany today.


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A Bronx mother says her 11-year-old son was given an HPV vaccination without her permission during a routine trip to the school nurse’s office.

Roxsanna Gautreax says she was told over the phone by the nurse at The New School for Leadership and the Arts that her son had been accidentally injured and needed ice for his face.

When her son came home from school, she noticed a bright green Band-Aid on his arm. The boy then explained that the nurse gave him a shot.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


(Source:; June 13, 2019;
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