Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases

 A 97% decline in Delhi cases with Ivermectin is decisive - period. It represents the last word in an epic struggle to save lives and preserve human rights. This graph symbolizes the victory of reason over corruption, good over evil, and right over wrong. It is as significant as David’s victory over Goliath. It is an absolute vindication of Ivermectin and early outpatient treatment. It is a clear refutation of the WHO, FDA, NIH, and CDC's policies of "wait at home until you turn blue" before you get treatment.

Dr. Pierre Kory told the world on December 8, 2020, that Ivermectin "obliterates" this virus. Obliterate means to decimate, demolish, or annihilate. It means to eliminate or destroy all trace, indication, or significance.

This graph shows that Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis. No one should be able to talk you out of this - not a salesman, a drug company, a television celebrity doc, and certainly not the top doctor for the WHO or the NIH who is paid to do that.

Will you believe this 97% eradication graph, or will you believe the propaganda pitched by the Big Media, Big Pharma, the WHO, and the FDA, who share massive financial conflicts of interest – those who say there is insufficient evidence?

What evidence could be any clearer than a 97% reduction in five weeks? That number is better than the current vaccines and beyond the reach of most medicines.

The WHO cautioned India they were making a mistake by using Ivermectin. They told them it could be dangerous, that there was no evidence it worked. How many lies will you buy before you stand up for the truth?

The fatal mistake would have been to NOT use Ivermectin. 

Mercifully they used it, and they saved Delhi. But tragically, Tamil Nadu did not, and their state was devastated. Their new cases rose from 10,986 to 36,184 – a tripling.

No one can hide that. Their refusal to use Ivermectin harmed them. Not only did Tamil Nadu's cases rise to the highest in India, but their deaths skyrocketed from 48 on April 20 to 474 on May 27 – a rise of ten-fold.

Meanwhile, Delhi's deaths IN THE SAME PERIOD fell from 277 to 117. So which advice would you have wanted your state to follow?

In America, Baylor’s Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale’s Dr. Harvey Risch, and Harvard’s Dr. George Fareed first advised early outpatient treatment in testimony to the US Senate on November 19, 2020. Dr. McCullough and his colleagues were the first in the world to publish an early outpatient treatment protocol for COVID-19.


That protocol has since been revised by Dr. George Fareed and his dynamic associate,  Dr. Brian Tyson. They have now saved 6,000 COVID patients in California’s Imperial Valley.


For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Justus R. Hope, MD
(Source: thedesertreview.com; July 1, 2021; https://tinyurl.com/y4wnax9e)
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