Communicating with those who have crossed over

Communicating with the Dead Through a Psychic Medium 

Deceased spirits are energy, so they can connect with us if they are around. 

If you yourself have not been able to connect with a deceased loved one, do not despair.  There are various reasons why communication with the deceased loved one might not be successful.  Their ether may be far removed from the physical plane.  Communicating with the departed is like building a bridge of energy.  It is as if you are on one side of river in the physical plane and the dead are on the other side other side of the river in the ether.  In order for you to make contact, someone, or both parties has to build a bridge.  You can build an energetic bridge by setting your intention to raise your vibration and open up your psychic senses.  Then the deceased spirit can build half of the bridge by lowering their vibration to meet you halfway.  Sometimes deceased spirits may not be available to build their part of the bridge because they may be involved in the next stage of their soul’s journey.  Some recently deceased spirits, may want to build the bridge to meet yours but they may not be fully comfortable yet in their new energetic state.

Even if you personally cannot connect with your deceased loved ones, or if they are not showing you signs of them being around you, you can still honor and love them in other ways.  One of the best ways of honoring another soul is by letting them go.  Have you ever heard the saying, "if you love someone, set them free"? This is as true in death as it is in life.  Deceased spirits can really benefit from permission to leave in order to pursue the next stage of their spiritual journey.  There are stories of deceased ones who still have one foot in this dimension long after their death because they feel guilty for leaving their family behind.

So if you still want to connect with your deceased loved ones, you can have a private session with a genuine psychic medium - someone who speaks, in one way or another, to the dead.

Definition of a Psychic Medium

Psychic mediums are people that can obtain messages from the spirit world in various ways. Some psychic mediums receive intuitive information, in which images and words appear as mental impressions that are then relayed to the living. Or in other cases, a psychic medium may hear actual auditory messages or see actual images of these messages.

In Love & service,
Diana Lynn


(Source:; September 20, 2017;
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